
PUBLIC NOTICE: Disability Advocates Encouraged to Attend Upcoming Budget Hearings

Reposted from: Jim Frazier, Director of Public Policy, The Arc & UCP California Collaboration

Last week, Governor Newsom released his May Revise 2024-25 budget plan that maintained his January proposal to balance his budget with a $1 billion cut to funding vital disability services and supports, including an additional $25 million in cuts. This devastating $1.25 billion cut in funding is the LARGEST reduction in funding in his entire budget. What does that say for California’s commitment to upholding the Lanterman Act signed 55 years ago to provide a lifeline of services for one of the State’s most vulnerable populations?

The proposed cuts will affect all the service providers who are already struggling or unable to provide a living wage to recruit, train, and retain direct support professional (DSP) to deliver services and supports to individuals with disabilities causing massive waitlists for services, including housing. This is one of the largest workforces in California, and the rate of pay for a DSP set by the State is minimum wage, or $16 an hour. Supporting an individual with disabilities with day-to-day basic activities that allow them to function and thrive in life, requires a person who can compassionately and thoughtfully manage the complex needs of someone who is medically fragile. When responsible for the livelihood, health and wellbeing of a person, the job requires attention to detail, planning, and a high level of reliability and sensitivity.

We have approximately until the end of May to let the Governor and the Legislature know that these budget cuts will have a detrimental impact to the entire disability community and are unacceptable.  


1.  Attend the following budget hearing to testify and share your objection to the budget being balanced on the backs of the individuals the State has vowed to protect:

Wednesday, May 22 – Assembly Budget Sub 2 (Jackson) Room 126, upon adjournment

1.  Record a Video telling the Governor you oppose the cuts and let him know how this will impact your life. We will make sure he sees your messages.

There has never been a more important time for our entire community to be united and to advocate for the rights of Californians with disabilities, their families and the workforce. Please let your voice be heard now by taking the steps above, and to remember in the upcoming elections who had your back. Don’t forget to share with your family, friends, colleagues and disability rights advocates. 

Record a Video Message

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