2022 Conference Videos
Urban Housing in San Francisco, Ryan Berman, JFCS
Estate Planning for Loved Ones with Special Needs, Kevin Urbatsch
Complementary and Integrative Approaches to Autism Spectrum Disorder, Robert Hendren, DO
Financial Planning and Fiduciaries, Jon Elfin
Vocational and Day Programs for Adults incapable of Engaging in Competitive Employment
The Case for Choice: Different Models for Different Needs, Ashley Kim Weiss
SLS (Supported Living Services): A Parent Perspective
Creating Homes for Adults with Developmental Disabilities, Dana Hooper
Assessment and Care of Individuals with Autism and Severe Intellectual Disability, Thomas Frazier, PhD
California's Autism/DD Policy Landscape, Teresa Anderson The ARC/UCP Collaboration
Webinar Archives

Amy Westling, Executive Director, ARCA, the Association of Regional Center Agencies
Regional Centers, State Policy, and Autism: an Update
While it seems that Sacramento is faraway, important decisions are made there that impact the real world for people with autism and their families. This training will cover the current status of California state policy and Budget issues as they relate to regional centers and the people they serve.
Links to referenced documents:
Steve Keisman, Senior Vice President, Identifor
The World’s 1st Game-Based, Career Assessment Tool Designed for Young Adults with ASD…and It’s Free!
For parents, students, therapists and teachers— improve the transition to employment process with the individualized information uncovered in the free online platform Identifor.com. In a lively presentation, hear about neurodiverse employment and ways to prepare your child successfully for life once the school bus stops coming from a father and 40-year veteran in the area of special needs, who is helping to move the needle in employment for people with ASD and other cognitive disabilities. Steve has presented at two SFASA conferences about Identifor and Abby, its artificial intelligence avatar that helps youth with ASD navigate their day.

Mark Gilfix, attorney, Gilfix & LaPoll
Multigenerational Special Needs Planning
Integrated, multigenerational planning will help you provide for a vibrant legal and financial future for your loved one with autism. The webinar will cover core concepts to help you navigate the complex legal, financial, and long-term care issues as you work to optimize your special needs plan, including questions such as: Who will take care of my child financially? Legally? Where will he live? Who will pay for her therapy? How can I be sure the money will last?
Q&A on Medical Cannabis for Autism with David Traver, MD, and Jenni Mai
A Q&A webinar with Dr David Traver, joined by parent advocate Jenni Mai, of Whole Plant Access 4 Autism.

Autism and Health Insurance: Live Q&A with Karen Fessel
Executive Director, Mental Health and Autism Insurance Project. mhautism.org
Obtaining medically necessary treatments through health plans is a common challenge for autism families. In this live Q&A, Karen Fessel will address your questions about benefits for ABA, other behavioral treatment, medical treatment, and more, including questions about Medi-Cal.
March 23, 2017
Guy Stuff: Teaching Social Expectations around Hygiene and Puberty to Young Men with Verbal ASD and Aspergers
with Ryan Wexelblatt, LSW, Director of the Center for ADHD, Pennsylvania
In his popular “Guy Stuff” presentation, Ryan will share approaches for teaching social expectations for hygiene and sexuality for young men with Asperger’s and verbal ASDs. Please note that this presentation will include mature content relating to sexuality and sexual behavior. Live Q&A will follow.
About Ryan: Working in the field of special education since graduating Bryn Mawr College School of Social Work Ryan has dedicated his career to helping children, adolescents and young adults who present with ADHD, social anxiety, Asperger’s syndrome, learning differences and higher-verbal autism spectrum diagnoses.
Center for ADHD offers innovative programs for boys who need help developing their social-cognitive skills. These programs include Guy Stuff, How to Hang Out, social anxiety groups and Safe, Smart and Social, a program to teach safe and appropriate internet safety and social media use.
Sexuality page on PHP website here

Ryan Wexelblatt; Ryan presenting “Guy Stuff” at ASA 2016
Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area (SFASA) and its named partners provide information but this information does not constitute medical or legal information. We provide general information about autism as a service to the community. The information provided in the webinars or elsewhere by us or our presenters is not a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider. The information does not replace the advice of medical, legal, or educational professionals. We have not validated and we are not responsible for any information or services provided by third parties. SFASA and its named partners cannot be held responsible for consequences that arise from individual dealings with a professional or organization. Individuals must use independent judgment and assume personal responsibility for what they do with the information provided. Inclusion of any organization does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval.
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