Self-Determination Programs 101

In the coming weeks, SFASA will be providing informational workshops about Self-Determination Programs in California.  Below is a primer to get you started.

In California, the Self-Determination Program (SDP) offers intellectually disabled adults more control over their services and supports. This program allows participants to choose their service providers and develop personalized service plans to better meet their needs.


To be eligible for the Self-Determination Program in California, an individual must meet the following criteria:

1.     Regional Center Client: The individual must be receiving services from a regional center.

2.     Age: The program is open to both children and adults.

3.     Voluntary Participation: Participation in the program is voluntary.

4.     Residency: The individual must reside in California.

5.     Willingness to Follow Program Rules: Participants must agree to follow the rules and guidelines of the SDP.

Individuals who are in a state developmental center, community crisis home, or other institutional setting are ineligible.


The Self-Determination Program in California covers a wide range of services designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities live more independently and participate fully in their communities. Some of the services include:

1.     Personal Assistance Services: Help with daily living activities such as: bathing, eating, medication management, life skills development, and mobility.

2.     Respite Services: Temporary relief for primary caregivers.

3.     Behavioral Services: Support for managing behaviors.

4.     Community Integration Services: Activities that promote socialization and community involvement.

5.     Employment Services: Support for finding and maintaining employment.

6.     Health and Wellness Services: Including therapies and fitness programs.

7.     Transportation Services: Assistance with travel needs.

8.     Housing Modifications: Adaptations to make homes more accessible.

9.     Communication Services: Support for improving communication skills123.

Personal Assistance Services

Personal Assistance Services under California’s Self-Determination Program (SDP) are designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities manage their daily activities and live more independently. Here are some key aspects:

  1. Daily Living Support: Assistance with activities such as bathing, dressing, eating, and mobility.
  2. Health-Related Tasks: Help with medication management and other health-related needs.
  3. Community Participation: Support to engage in community activities and social interactions.
  4. Skill Development: Assistance in developing personal skills such as cooking, budgeting, and using public transportation.

Respite Services

Respite services are designed to give family members a break from the responsibility of caring for their loved ones with intellectual and developmental disabilities. These services can be provided in various forms:

Behavioral Intervention Services

Behavioral intervention services focus on developing and implementing intensive programs to improve the participant’s development and behavior. These services are based on evidence-based, positive approaches and can be provided in various settings, including the participant’s home, workplace, or community.

Goals and Methods

The primary goals of behavioral intervention services are to help individuals acquire, retain, and improve self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary for successful living in home and community-based settings. Services may include:

Behavior Tracking and Analysis
: Monitoring and analyzing behavior to develop effective intervention strategies. Community Engagement Services within the Self-Determination Program (SDP) in California are designed to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities participate more fully in their communities.

Community Engagement Services

The primary goal of Community Engagement Services is to support individuals in building relationships, participating in community activities, and accessing resources that enhance their quality of life. This includes:

Community Engagement Services can include a variety of supports, such as:

Family participation is crucial for the success of behavioral intervention plans. This can include:

  • Attending group instruction on behavior intervention basics.
  • Implementing intervention strategies as per the plan.
  • Collecting and submitting data on behavioral strategies.

Participating in clinical meetings and providing necessary materials for behavior modification.

Employment Services

Employment services within the SDP are designed to support individuals in achieving their employment goals. These services can include:

Customized Employment

Customized employment is a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both. This can involve:

Supported Employment

Supported employment services provide ongoing support to individuals with significant disabilities to help them succeed in competitive employment. This includes:


The SDP also supports individuals interested in starting their own businesses. Services can include:

  • Business Planning: Assisting with the development of a business plan and identifying necessary resources.

Financial Management

Providing guidance on managing finances and accessing funding sources.

Health and Wellness Services

These services aim to promote physical, mental, and emotional health. They can include:

Holistic Approach

The SDP emphasizes a holistic approach to health and wellness, recognizing the importance of addressing all aspects of an individual’s well-being. This can include:

Transportation Services

  1. Non-Medical Transportation: This service provides transportation to and from community activities, work, or other non-medical appointments. It helps individuals participate in social, recreational, and employment opportunities.
  2. Specialized Transportation: For individuals who require more tailored transportation solutions due to mobility challenges or other specific needs. This can include vehicles equipped with lifts or other modifications.

Flexibility and Personalization

One of the key benefits of the SDP is the flexibility it offers. Participants can choose transportation services that best meet their needs and preferences. This means they can select providers who understand their specific requirements and can offer personalized support.

Funding and Budgeting

Transportation services are included in the individual budget under the SDP. Participants can allocate funds from their budget to cover transportation costs, ensuring they have the necessary support to access their community and activities. 

Housing Modifications

  1. Environmental Accessibility Adaptations: These modifications are necessary to ensure the health, welfare, and safety of the individual or to increase their independence within the home. Examples include:
  2. Housing Access Supports: These services help individuals find and secure housing that meets their needs. This can include:

Funding and Budgeting

Housing modifications are included in the individual budget under the SDP. Participants can allocate funds from their budget to cover the costs of necessary modifications, ensuring they have the support needed to live independently.


Certain modifications and expenses are not covered under the SDP, such as:

Types of Communication Services

  1. Speech and Language Therapy: This service helps individuals improve their speech, language, and communication skills. Therapists work on various aspects such as articulation, fluency, voice, and language comprehension.
  2. Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): For individuals who have significant difficulties with verbal communication, AAC devices and systems can be used. These include communication boards, speech-generating devices, and other tools that help individuals express themselves.
  3. Social Skills Training: This service focuses on improving social communication skills, such as understanding social cues, initiating conversations, and maintaining interactions.

Goals and Benefits

The primary goals of communication services are to:

Flexibility and Personalization

One of the key benefits of the SDP is the flexibility it offers. Participants can tailor their communication services to meet their specific needs and preferences. This means they can choose the types of services and supports that are most meaningful to them and work with service providers who best understand their needs.

For more detailed information, you can visit the California Department of Developmental Services website.

Below are orientation links from the Golden Gate Regional Center and the California Department of Developmental Services: