Advocacy Update

Medicaid/ Medi-Cal budget cuts are likely real!
Your action needed NOW
Feb. 25, the U.S. House of Representatives passed by 1 vote a $880 billion budget cut, which may be taken from Medicaid. Medicaid funds half of Medi-Cal programs including your regional centers services. This proposal, which is fast tracked, now goes to the US Senate for their input and some amendments are expected. The US Senate and House of Representatives then draft a final agreement before it becomes law.

Having autism and other disabilities is not a bipartisan issue, nor is a need for services. California will receive less funds for Medi-Cal and disability services. Home and Community Based Services HCBS may be especially targeted for reduction or elimination e.g.: Respite, supported living services, transportation, supported employment independent living services, camps, IHSS and more.

YOU can influence your state and federal legislators now.
Taking a wait and see attitude means action will probably be too late. Congress is working on this now.
1) Call the Medicaid hotline yourself 866-426-2631 (only takes about 2 minutes) Also Ask your relatives and friends, and colleagues in other states to call the Medicaid hotline too.
2) Thanks to the ARC of California you can record a video message telling what services you are using and need to members of Congress and how reduction or elimination of services would impact the disabled and your family. Record a video message by going to this link. ARC will share your video with legislators.

Connie Boyar
Advocacy Chair – SFASA

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