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San Andreas Regional Center
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- San Andreas Regional Center
San Andreas Regional Center is a community-based, private nonprofit corporation funded by the State of California to serve people with developmental disabilities as required by the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act. The Lanterman Act is part of California law that sets out the rights and responsibilities of persons with developmental disabilities. San Andreas is one of 21 regional centers throughout California serving individuals and their families who reside within Monterey, San Benito, Santa Clara, and Santa Cruz Counties.
San Andreas provides diagnostic and prevention services to help ameliorate developmental disabilities. Examples of such service includes amniocentesis, chorionic villus screening or genetic screening for pregnant woman. Chromosomal studies, and genetic counseling, are available to family members to determine hereditary conditions that may increase the risk for birthing a developmental disabled infant or to determine the cause of a disabling condition. These prevention services are available upon referral from a physician.
Early Start is another prevention program designed in partnership with Local Education Agencies to serve infants between birth and thirty-six months of age. Infants at risk for developing disabilities, or who are born in high risk medical conditions or who are experiencing delays in development are qualified to receive intervention services geared at maximizing the development of the infant during these early years.Any person, residing in the four county areas, regardless of age, cultural background, or income, believed to have a developmental disability, may receive diagnostic services to assess eligibility. To be considered eligible, the disability must have originated before the age of eighteen, be likely to continue indefinitely, and constitute a substantial handicap.
The eligible conditions are: Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Autism, and other conditions closely related to intellectual disability.
To apply for San Andreas Regional Center services call, write or visit the Regional Center office in your area. After the initial contact with the Regional Center, an intake interview appointment will be scheduled. A meeting will be scheduled to provide assessment, and to determine eligibility.
There is no charge for diagnosis and assessment. Once eligibility is established, Regional Center staff, working together with the consumer, his/ her family, and other involved persons; to develop an Individual Program Plan (IPP) or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) which define the individual needs, services and supports.
Services Provided
Once an individual’s eligibility has been determined through the Intake process, service coordination and planning is initiated with the development of a person centered written plan. Services are individually determined and are provided to assist with opportunities to maximize consumers’ opportunities to live independent productive and satisfying lives as members of our community.
San Andreas assists eligible consumers to apply and access other social service agencies and public benefit programs; and may provide funding for services. Some examples of services funded by San Andreas are: infant education; family support services such as respite and specialized day care; community living arrangements such as residential care and supported living. San Andreas also assists with advocacy to access other services such as In Home Support Services (IHSS), In Home Shift Nursing, or educational programs.
People with developmental disabilities are entitled to the same rights and protections as any other person under the laws of California and the Constitution of the United States. State law provides additional specific rights to people with developmental disabilities. These rights include, but are not limited to: treatment and rehabilitation services; dignity, privacy, and human care; education; to be free from harm; advocacy services; social integration and community participation. San Andreas is committed to ensuring and protecting these civil, legal and service rights to which our consumers and applicants are entitled.
Parents have rights and access to protections to assure that early intervention services are provided in a manner appropriate to the child’s needs and to the concerns of the family.
Due Process
All applicants, eligible consumers, and their representatives are entitled to due process or the right to appeal decisions rendered by San Andreas Regional Center in which they disagree.
Mission Statement
San Andreas Regional Center Mission Statement recognizes the ongoing need for advocacy to sustain the original intent and promise of the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act and commits itself to protecting its provisions.
Events from this organizer
SARC Winter Wonderdance, Ages 18+, San Jose
San Andreas Regional Center - Santa Clara & San Benito County 6203 San Ignacio Ave. Suite 200, San Jose, CA, United States
When: Saturday, February 22, 5-8pm Where: San Andreas Regional Center, 6203 San Ignacio Ave., San Jose, CA What: San Andreas Regional Center and HOPE Services will be hosting an Inaugural Winterdance for individuals with differing abilities. We are looking forward to hosting a festive dance that will offer an inclusive, multicultural, and fun evening for...