
We are a volunteer-led organization. We respond to contacts as quickly as we can, but this sometimes involves a significant delay. Please be patient.

We do not provide legal, medical, or psychiatric services. All advice is given for general informational purposes, its validity is not guaranteed. Any actions you take should be based on your own independent judgment in conjunction with the appropriate further research or consultations.

We do not provide emergency services.
If you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 911.

To become a Member, click here.
To manage your Membership, click here.


– I’d like to hear about SFASA events.
– I’d like to stay up-to-date on local Bay Area autism news.
– I’d like to know SFASA news.

Share Services with the Autism Community

*Please note that we do not respond to requests from for-profit companies to be added to our website resources or events.*

We do offer tables and sponsorship opportunities at our annual conference.

Media & Research

– I need help with autism-related research.
– I need information for a news story.
– I’m looking for a guest speaker or someone to table a resource fair.

Resources & Help

– I’m interested in SF Bay Area autism services.
– I’m looking for resources for autism parents.
– I need autism-related help and information.


– I’m interested in helping out at events.
– I’m interested in advocating for the autism community.
– I’m looking for ways to help.


– I want to fund Bay Area autism events.
– I want to help cover necessary costs.
– I want to support SFASA.

Mailing Address

Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area
2066 N Capitol Ave #9012
San Jose, CA 95132





In an effort to provide general information to the community, Autism Society San Francisco Bay Area (SFASA) provides information, but SFASA does not provide individualized consultation or advice. SFASA makes no representations or warranties in relation to any information and materials provided to members of the public. SFASA does not warrant that any information provided is complete, true, accurate or non-misleading. Information provided does not constitute medical or legal advice of any kind.

If you require advice in relation to any legal, financial, medical or any other matter you should consult an appropriate qualified professional and not rely on information provided by SFASA, including its agents and volunteers.

The information provided by SFASA does not constitute a recommendation, referral or endorsement of any resource, therapeutic method, or service provider.  We have not validated, and we are not responsible for, any information or services provided by third parties to which we may refer. SFASA and its agents cannot be held responsible for consequences that arise from individual dealings with an individual, professional or organization.

Inclusion of any individual or organization in the information provided does not imply endorsement, and omission does not imply disapproval.